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If you have an unqualified manager who has no idea about the nature of your work, do you have a plan how not to obey him in his wrong orders?

and do not forget he is your direct boss

Question added by Hassan Selmi , cheese and labneh production manager , Noman Al Juneidi for food industries
Date Posted: 2021/08/28
mouawad el hajal
by mouawad el hajal , Founder And Owner , Mouawad Riad El Hajal Law Office

Actually, in modern companies there is no place for orders and instructions. the policies applied depend on brainstorming, cooperation, discussions in all work issues. in a respectful company there is no place for unqualified team leader. in worst case scenario, emails are the best method to explain the work plan. in case the team leader insists, then it his legal responsibility.

Irene Fenswick
by Irene Fenswick , Academic Writer, Tutor, Blogger , Freelance

If an unqualified manager is my direct boss, I'd discuss this issue with our general boss who can influence them. I'm not sure that I should speak to the manager directly since it may have no results. In case I don't have a possibility to speak to the general boss, I'd just listen to the manager and do what I consider is right - then I'll give a post-factum comprehensive explanation for my actions.

Mansour Ayish

If you have an unqualified manager who has no idea about the nature of your work, do you have a plan how not to obey him in his wrong orders?


There are two solutions in my opinion, the first is to try to communicate the idea in a way that suits the thinking of this manager, and in this way I can communicate my idea and preserve his position for him and he can develop his knowledge


The second is that I can go to the higher management accompanied with the idea and present it with a request to bring this manager and discuss and explain to the higher management and then the decision is in their hands.

All possibilities are available

DrRenji Issac
by DrRenji Issac , Author - Researcher , FREELANCE

Yes, it is. First of order and harassment are not solutions. As an individual, have to take care of him. Help him to develop to become an asset to company and to society.

If someone not helped, no one will develop and the world won't go foreward.

Thank you.

Saleem Ahmed Md
by Saleem Ahmed Md , Project Associate , National Testing Service-India

very good question, as I'm facing the similar ambience here. So, i would like to know the answer. 

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