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Throw to which fire hose nozzles will be more on same pressure 3mm or 9mm?

Question added by Waqar Ghani , Fire Fighter , Emergency Rescue Service (Rescue-1122)
Date Posted: 2022/07/13
محمد ابوالخير حافظ
by محمد ابوالخير حافظ , فني انظمة كاميرات مراقبة وانظمة انذار وادارة مكتبية , شركة حامد سعود العتيبي وشريكة للمقاولات

This fire fighting i dont know about it only fire alarm im sorry

Waqar Ghani
by Waqar Ghani , Fire Fighter , Emergency Rescue Service (Rescue-1122)

my answer is that 9mm nozzle will be max because 9mm take more disperse pressure

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