It depends on what do you mean with "Improper conduct" .. In all conditions you must be smart to finish this situation without losing any points.
Customer service agent must to know how to deal with different situations and attitudes.
Michael Flor Tangob , Customer Service Representative , Pan Emirates Home Furnishing
The customer service officer must maintain the highest standard ethics and business conduct that The Company conducts its business as a good corporate citizen and complies with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to it or the conduct of its business. This commitment and standard of conduct governs our relationships with customers, suppliers, shareholders, competitors, the communities in which we operate, and with each other as Employees at every organizational level.
Always expect the worse attitude of your Client. First assess, what is the main cause of improper behavior. Did your client is displeased and disgusted of your services? Improper conduct/behavior has its cause find out what it is then focus to resolved the issue. The only reason why client is misbehaving because He/ She is very disappointed. Assessment is very important solve the issue. Solving the problem is a little bit difficult especially if you have limited resources and your superior is not around. Most clients they are always looking for “Where is your manager?” this is the statement of your client. Always address your Client Ma’am or Sir to show some respect. And how you might help them for their problem. Be rational, be professional, be calm.. Always put yourself in your client position.
This thing happpen frequently in MENA region.
Remember that culturals specificities are here and you must deal with them.
1- As mohsen said stop your smile and Talk with a strict tone while remaining friendly like when your "friend" do something you don't like.
2- Ask about the issue, be analytical an search for the pain.
3- do not give answer to a question you don't know.
Example : "Sir, i understand all the impacts on your business, our team is working on solving the issue, detect the cause and it will no happen again"
هشام عيسي , Sales and marketing consultant , Free lance
يجب علي موظف خدمة العملاء الحفاظ علي هدوئه ... و السيطرة علي اعصابه ... مع توصيل المعلومة عن طريق اللغه الجسدية او الكلمات باسلوب مهذب بان التصرف غير لائق و تصحيح الوضع .... و من هنا تحويل النقطه السلبية لدي العميل ... الا نقطه ايجابيه عن طريق احراجه بالاخلاق و الزوق .... و كسب ثقة العميل .....
menna adel , العمل سيلز وتيلى سيلز بشركة اتصالات مصر _ ادارة فرع شركة فيوتشر للتكييف والتبريد , شركة اتصالات مصر
First explained to him that this improper behavior based on the instructions the company and I can solve the problem without any intolerance of it when I can not calm him down and found it increases the fanaticism can not understand what I'm saying do I convert it to direct manager is dealing with him
Mohsen AlQadi , Facilities Deputy Manager , Dar Al Fouad Hospital
First, stop your smile (that you must use with all costumers), then talk to him in a direct, calm speech and the perfect sentence to say is PLEASE Sir, this behavior is not allowed here... anything else I can help
give an implicit reference that approach improper and disproportionate to the company and not with the client's position in our company
Is apologize to the customer for what went wrong
Attempt to absorb the anger of good customer listening and not interrupted during the talk
Identify the problem and try to involve the client in choosing the most appropriate solution and show the appropriate proposal for the client
Move and solve the problem once and after that comes the role of after sales service and customer follow-up and asked that the problem has been overcome and work to gain customer satisfaction