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if someone succeeded in marketing himself why would he be on looking for a job?if we succeeded in keeping our personal and professional relationships active,they could have helped us get a job without going through this process,do you agree?why? we must have done and still doing something wrong.what is it?share your comments please.
I am on as I have analysed all angles of finding a job and i think we should try different ways and as I am planning switch of country so i should have all the doors opened from where i can reach opportunity or vice versa . But that doesnt mean i am totally depended on it i am trying various other ways to reach my goal and i will try harder to get it
I believe that attending a network either local, nearlocal or global is a way of learning more about cultural, social and other aspect of the professional life. At the same time it could be of use when looking for new opportunities. In most countries there are strong networks for people that has lived their most of their life or for many generations. In a way they tend to favourize their own people instead of in some cases better qualifications. This becomes an invisible barrier for some professionals. So in my opinion there is a real need for other channels or network paths to make working life more equal and fair.
Being on is I-marketing and network building since we know more about each other.
We might have dome something wrong but that is not necessarily true. The fact that some of us worked in differenct countries for some time disturbes the concept of "active professional relationships". Such relationships do exist but they are active and effective within specific reagions and not neessarily in all regions.
Moving between countries also adds new skills and knowledge which will not be realised by previous professional connections.
If that is wrong, how do you recommend fixing it?
You can also look at it that way, but not with everyone I'd say. So, I'd partially agree as well as disagree to the 'ALL' concept. Many are on bayt to find some exposure, some for a good online presence, some for job related opportunities. Well, the possibilities are endless if you can focus on what you are exactly looking for. Having said that, if they are on bayt due to their failure to promote themselves, then i'd say that they are doing injustice to themselves having not understanding what their other alternatives are.
Dear Sir I have a different opinion on this I also went through the bad phase as I was searching for job but I beleive success is not about getting job and one should never be de moralised if one is going through this phase. The focus should be to introspect where we are lacking, Opprtunities come and go but we have to grab them noone can help if we cant help ourselves. Just Dont think about external factors try to overcome your weaknesses and remain focussed. If everything is so easy life will not be challenging.
It is true that people enroll themselves on Bayt .com ( for that matter any such forum !) primarily to look for employment. But definitely not because people have failed to market themselves or have failed to keep relationships alive.
It is not always that one starts looking out for employment because one is unemployed. One does not become member on a job site because one has failed to keep his relationships alive.
I for one wish to advocate that one should be on the lookout for new employment, from the position of strength, when one is still happily employed, When one is secure and is able to reach out to others and alive to bonding human relationships with unstoppable zeal to soar high!.
I have actually been able to identify another totally different side of enrollment on such platforms. While one is able to say that one has enrolled here because they failed to keep relationships alive, I wish to point that I have been able to embark upon building new relationships! I am interacting with people that I did not know a few months before, while keeping earlier zeal and relationships alive.
Even if one has failed earlier, nothing stops one from getting up and get going again!
Human beings always aspire to achieve more ! one is always looking forward and making efforts to attain higher positions and to acquire more and more knowledge and skills. The quest to do better in life drives all of us and we keep searching for opportunities to go up the life’s ladder, not because we have failed! So we all have been brought together on this platform while we all are on our quest to do better in life. We all chose purposefully to enroll ourselves on this job site. Securing a suitable employment is just one small aspect or enabler aimed at strengthening our resolves to effectively shoulder our responsibilities in life.
I also found the platform more welcoming because we all could raise questions and attempt to answer them according our understanding and willingness to share information. Prior to joining the discussion forum , I was not so attentive to many aspects and attuned to information and happenings around. But my active participation and feedback from fellow members has helped me to absorb more knowledge and I have humbly shared whatever little I could share. I am sure we all gain because of the interaction.
As for the elusive employment opportunities , we can only continue to try as it has external elements that are influencing. However, we have control over what we can do that is to prepare and be prepared for the moment when the opportunity knocks.
I sincerely hope this will be taken as an exercise aimed at building relationships and networking so that we can keep it alive and our spirits high.
Actually ,there two kind of professionals are enguaged with bayt .com activities. The first group would like to refresh thier memory and experites to participate the activites. The second porfessionals group would like to expose yourself for getting the job in midle east.that in this context, I believe,both are not failed.because of the matter of relocation to midle east as a professional is very defficult ,Specially those have not experience of midle east countries and dont know Aribic..
I think if some one is looking a job on from Saudi Arabia, i am100 % sure he dont have any resorces or he is not a arabic nation.
if some one want a good job in Saudi Arabia as he deserved, he need to reborn again in any Arabic family its dose not matter how much you are qualified or hard worker.
A very small addition to the existing overwhelming response to this question, as someone who has been on for over seven years, I have seen it evolve from being just a job site to include a lot of other platforms - Specialties is one of them. I may not be an active job seeker but I am active on Specialty forums.
So answering your question, no you are not an unsuccessful job seeker if you are on In fact you are doing what there is to do - being out there visible to employers and networking with your fellow industry peers.
If you are on doesn't mean you have failed in makrketing yourself or your relationships are not strong enough. exposes you more to what you don't know is available and to companies you haven't heard of.
Being a bayt head my self, i am still active on for so many reasons and one of them is that no matter who we are, what we know or what we do, we are always job seekers looking for better oppotunities to learn and grow. Having this platform to intaract, alone teaches you a lot of things. to be able to interact here, you will have to be active on your account.
I recommend you take advantage of this platform to expose your self to the positive unknown.
Mabe thisis true but on the other hand meeting others are good even you are employed.