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End-End Solutions Means a Support for a Complete I.T Infrastructure of an Organization ,End-End Solutions Provides "A-Z" Support for all Component of I.T Systems and Applications of client. In Most of the cases clients prefer to go for a Different IT Service provider or Suppliers for different type of I.T Services because Concentration of power into the single hand is not a good sign of healthy competition. and also because A one supplier can provide a specific Service much better then another supplier.
I believe that his stands for providing a complete solution which includes software (system software, operating systems, and DBMSs), hardware, and network (internal and external) infrastructure.
turn key solution
End-to-End solution is used for a complete automation of process of any organisation who want to migrate from a legacy system to electronic system or called as paperless office with centralised database system for every function which are interlinked to reduce the time process and increase the productivity of the process and it;s functions.
Simply from customer prospective end to end mean he can use the service without any delay in any part of it ,so I need to send an email and my IT should take care of every thing to make this happen from my end until this email reached other parties
end-to-end solution - (E2ES) A term that suggests that the supplier of an application program or system will provide all the hardware and/or software components and resouces to meet the customer's requirement and no other supplier need be involved.