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If you could teach just one grade level and subject within your content area, what would you choose? Why?

Question ajoutée par فريدة عابد
Date de publication: 2014/01/17
Safia Abaoui
par Safia Abaoui , Teacher in private , private intensive courses

I love teaching, it is one passion. I feel capable of teaching pupils at every level and all the materials(subjects) that I followed in my school program.

Ahmed Said Mahmoud Attalah Attalla
par Ahmed Said Mahmoud Attalah Attalla , Senior master , Ministry of Education. Egypt

When I got my job as a teacher I liked always to take grade one in prep school as it was the first year for them to study English, they were like a white sheet ,I adored that a lot , I used to teach them how to write a good hand writing and how to keep words ,how to make a sentence nd how to use sentences to communicate with others, how to express what they like , they liked it a lot and I was proud and felt happy to have ones that I taught who can speak good English.

I would like to teach for first year for the reason I talked about whatever prep or primary .

Noorjahan Lallmamode-Dauhoo
par Noorjahan Lallmamode-Dauhoo , English Language Teacher , EF Wenzhou

I started my career as a Primary school  general teacher and then later moved to ESP and ESL. 

As a primary school teacher I had to teach all the subjects except for music and  Asian languages. In my country we had a cut-throat competitive system of education where very little kids had to swallow huge amounts of information. Around40% of the kids were, heartlessly, thrown out of the system each year. Those who failed  were tagged as stupid for life. It was like turning the kids into zombies.  Many teachers left the job. 


I left to raise a family. Later, went into the ESL.  I should say I am very happy now. I teach from very little kids of3  to adults. I have taught adults up to45 years. 

It is always a lot of fun to teach little kids. They run to you and grab you and want to learn though play. They are always enthusiastic to participate in activities and are always curious of what is going to happen next. The most challenging part is to make them understand the rules but once this is done. It's awesome.


Adults need to know exactly what they are learning and why they are learning it. The challenge is mostly about having a well-prepared class with specific set criteria. I have found rubrics to be very helpful because they know what to expect and what is expected of them.


Though it can be very rewarding to teach this age group.  I think the greatest challenge comes from teens. Often these students do not want to  be in a class or learn anything at all. They are here because their parents want them to be.  They would prefer to be at a mall or playing video games. It is very important to keep the class interesting, to be able to motivate the students into participating in activities. I think it is very important that at this stage teachers, the institution and the parents work as a team.



Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

Unborn human and follow-up and learning possible to study any materiel, even if they are outside the purview

ashraf taha
par ashraf taha , مدرس - teacher , مراكز تعليمية - Educational centers

just one grade level - This is the best I have

علي حسيب صديق الحيالي
par علي حسيب صديق الحيالي , معلم , مدرسة الماس الاهلية

I would choose grade one


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