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Why is translating from Arabic into English more difficult than English to Arabic?

Question ajoutée par Ismail Yaseen , Translator ,
Date de publication: 2013/06/10
Amir Ageeb
par Amir Ageeb , Content Senior Specialist , Elm Company

First, let's agree over the statement and check if it is true and taken for granted!

I do not believe that translation from Arabic into English is more difficult than English to Arabic. I think and believe the opposite is true.

Simply, all the English sentences are nominal clauses i.e. they start with a noun or pronoun (Sub) + verb +..., whereas on contrast, the Arabic sentences are diversified. We have nominal clauses, verbal clauses and even some clause that are only available in the Arabic language. Thus it is easier to transfer an English text into Arabic than doing the opposite.


حسن أسمر
par حسن أسمر , Correspondent Translator & Typer , Shurbaji Co

Being a native speaker of a certain language does not mean you are a master in it so unless a translator is well acquainted with the grammar, vocabulary, etc. of his native language; he will face difficulties in translating into a different language that he knows. That is mainly applicable to the Arab translators from my point of view.

par MOHAMED BEHIRY , Ministry of Educatin Undersecretary , Ministry Of Education - Egypt

The question stated it as a fact, but I believe this isn't right. Translation into Arabic is usually more difficult as Arabic is a rich language with its vocubulary and in most cases any English passage can be  translated in different styles. 

عامر أبو شلباية
par عامر أبو شلباية , English Teacher , Ministry of Education

I see the opposite, which that translating from Arabic into English is easier than translating from English into Arabic. 


Furat Al-Samaraie
par Furat Al-Samaraie , Translator , UAE Armed Forces

It isn't. I find it much easier.

احمد ابو حشيش
par احمد ابو حشيش , customer service adviser , zain

maybe becouse of the language we use in our learning prosses for example allmpst every one in the uni had yo speak a standerd english in order to be active wich means that we speak standerd english and a secondery arabic (if you want to call it) and a result of that we finde it hard to speak standerd arabic so we find it hard to produce a coreact arabic sentensce

عمر علي
par عمر علي , اداري , وحدة تنفيذ السدود

translation from Arabic to English its need deep thought and more skill and high abilities and you must have cultural abackground for the topic of translation

Adeeb Haddad
par Adeeb Haddad , Independent Freelance Translator , Independent

I didn't do a research but I can give you the possible reasons for the differences between the2 from my perspective:
1- As Arabic is my mother tongue, It's very unlikely that I have a bigger pool of English vocabulary over the Arabic pool.
Therefore Main reason is the difference of the size of Vocabulary of your Minds' database for each :)
2- Most of the grammar you use in Arabic is unconscious, therefore it doesn't take time to formulate a correct sentence.
3- Slang Vs Traditional Arabic! The difference is huge, while English (Slang or traditional) doesn’t have much differences, so when you search for a word in Formal or traditional it doesn’t take time.
Nevertheless, I can’t be sure at this point of which is more difficult, but most of the times it depends on the topic!  

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

I disagree. The key to a good translation is how well the translator knows the source and target languages, specially the target one, in my opinion. 

Ahmed Hussien
par Ahmed Hussien , English Teacher , Egypt Modern School

Simply because Arabic expression is more varied & more complex than their English counterpart.
Also Arabic translator sometimes can't translate the exact meaning in Arabic because of non-equivalence.

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