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Which is better,writers of the present time or writers of the past?

Question added by Ahmed Gendy , General supervisor , Al Jodair
Date Posted: 2014/03/11
Deleted user
by Deleted user

I would say the past, because they had more skill in imagination than writers today; they could descripe every single detail in an action or a room, or a scene, well enough for their readers to full imagine & live it while reading.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Writers of the past.

Writers of the present are very good at what they do, but I would say they are different rather than better.

Writers of the past have written many unforgettable material.

Writers of the present, because we are living in the present, sometimes it takes us a while to fully appreciate their talent until many years later.

I also consider it an honour to have lived in an era where there have been phenomenal writers such as Maya Angelou.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Writers of the past are better because the ones of the present are just photo copying/duplicating the past written.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

In the context of good, and great, writing; writers of the past have definitely demonstrated skills that can leave people from any era in awe. There is a certain charm, an unmistakable glow, to their pieces of art. Their writing tells us how focused and dedicated they were, and how much of their souls they were (always) prepared to pour in their writing.

Contemporary writing, in the context of of writing, is of less charm and glow. It is like a less ripened fruit, in contrast to writings from the past. Less sweeter, less tastier.

But despite all that, I can't help but acknowledge, and applaud, the work of modern writers. In challenging times such as the21st century, it is commendable to deliver work as note-worthy as, for instance, Harry Potter. Yes, it is a children's book. But the quality of creativity behind it is extraordinary.

There is no doubt that life in the olden days was less complex in comparison to life these days. People had more time on their hand. Many environmental factors contributed to the wonders in their writing. I've always believed that life in the older days was much simpler. Much less chaotic. Much less melo-dramatic. At the same time, people back then were more cultured, and disciplined, and, in more than one way, more civilised as well. If writers of both eras were given the same working platforms, that is the same era to breed and raise in, then the contrast in the writing wouldn't have been as much or as prominent as it is today.

Samar Saleh
by Samar Saleh , Community Manager ,

I enjoy reading for writers of the past!

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