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PMBOK is the Project Management Body of Knowledge. It is published by PMI and it contains all the information about Project Management processess. Rita's Preparation Exam Book is based on PMBOK and explains it in order to help you passing the PMP exam.
PM book is published from the PMO it is the main source of project management concepts from PMI while Rita exam preparation book is the most important book for preparation of the exam of PMP exam
Rita's preparation Exam book is basically the simplified version of the PMBOK with relatively easier terminology and aimed at promoting exam prep for PMP certification.
PMBOK is Concepts
Rita is Experience
Rita's book will simplify your overal project management framework understanding, if you are preparing for PMP exam Rita is among the most recommended books that are available on the market.
The PMBOK outlines the norms, methods, processes and practices of the project management profision. The Rita preparation exam book is a simplified copy of the PMBOK and preapres its readers for passign the certification exam.
PMBOOK is a guide for a project management professional issued by PMI ,Rita Book is a guide for the PMP certification exam.