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Does the Internet affect your business? How?

Question added by Ehab Fouad Mohamed Hassan
Date Posted: 2014/03/22
Fredy Makram Labib
by Fredy Makram Labib , R&D manager , Universal for home appliances

my sir it is a full library on my computer and mobile to reach any information leads to development or introducing any new strategy , comunication , updates ,....etc.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Excluding your business from the internet is looskng a potential market place.

Smart investors always consider having their business regularly and having some e-commerce to show the world that they exist. With usual marketing you can target local and near by countries as potential coustomers but when having e-commerce everybody knows where you are and what services/goods you offer.

Mohammed M Siddiqui
by Mohammed M Siddiqui , Operations Manager , Confidential

Trading companies are sourcing expert for specific requirement, Internet has made now everyone access to these information and open a window for direct business. Still companies can offer many more thing where direct business cannot.


On the other hand Internet have access to more information  available for business required to do daily task.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Social networking is good for employees to improve their intellectual capability..

Randa Altaezi
by Randa Altaezi , IT Business Relationship Manager , SADAFCO

Of course. Troubleshooting, online meetings, recruiting, sharing documents between cowerkers..etc

Amer Alokeh
by Amer Alokeh , Service Delivery Manager , SmartWorld DWC LLC

As per PMI,90% of PM activities depend on the communication. Internet is an open communication channel that can help to destribute reports, schedule inside and outside parties meeting and distribute information in timely manner. It can help also to pull required information from the huge online databases and it allow to connect parties in different geographical locations. What else! should I mention all!! simply Internet is always the cost effective solution for all companies.

Divyesh Patel
by Divyesh Patel , Assistant Professional Officer- Treasury , City Of Cape Town

The Internet has impacted many areas of society in a variety of ways. Businesses now use the Internet for advertising, seeking employees, background checks on employees, and many other uses. Businesses are no longer limited to advertising and seeking employees through television and printed materials.

  1. More User Reviews and Ratings on Websites

  2. Information / Social Media Relevance

  3. Social Reputation Management

  4. Social Media

  5. Social Customer Relations Management

  6. Social and Website Competitions

  7. Real-Time, Geo-Marketing Promotions

  8. Compete globally

Ahmed Gendy
by Ahmed Gendy , General supervisor , Al Jodair

The internet is an open market.If you market in one country not just one area , you can say that you market within a country but if you market on the internet , then you market to the whole world.

Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
by Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

Mainly by:

- Facilitate communications and collaboration, and

- Accessing a large pool of information

- Networking with participating professional everywhere on earth

Khatim Abbas Seed
by Khatim Abbas Seed , BUSINESS CONSULTANT , Google

Yes, internet is vital to my business.


Without it my business will lead a "lonely", "isolated" & "disconnected" life, followed by inevitable death.



Deleted user
by Deleted user

The internet has enabled much smaller organization to immediately compete globally, rather that develop a local market. Over the last few decades, many smaller organizations that are “born global” as consequences of existence of internet

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