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I set goals and seize the moment to act on my goals.
I believe that successful people in busines have this business instict, to do something at the exact right time. Of course they are always aware of their strong points and their weeknesses, the business environment, their competitors, they always think about their next move and they are risk takers. They combine knowledge of their field with dynamic energy. My strong point is organization and determination and I would like to be more instictive and dynamic.
Top habbits of successful people:
1. Making daily schedule or an agenda
2. Use the schedule or calender effectively and efficiently
3.They use to plan timely
4. They optimize the organization effectively
5. They do effective communication
6. They are very careful in ambiguouos activity or words.
7. They use to tolerate for the poor performance
8. Listen and understand what is more important
9. They will use the technology effectively
10. They use to manage the stress
Among the above, i have the habit of scheduling daily to set the target to acheive thru the MBWA whcih really boost the following:
1.Friendly approach
2. Trust
3. Current business knowledge
4. Boosting morality
5. Increasing productivity
Managing the Time
Only one habit can beat the all …..Constant learning things from others & earn/observe/implement nature if it’s good or useful to us.
Successful people crave success. They are ambitious, and relentless success seekers. They have personal vision and mission statements. They plan to attain success, and work their plan. They prepare themselves well, have a can-do attitude, and do not accept the negative talk of nay-sayers. They are resilient, dynamic, flexible, and adaptable. If they fall down, they are quick to dust themselves off and carry on. They know that failure is a temporary setback, a stepping stone, and an opportunity to learn. Successful people are prudent risk-takers, visionaries, and smart, hardworkers.When the going gets tough, they get going. They have the courage to succeed. They know how to sieze opportunities, and make the most out of them. They are excellent networkers, socially active, and approachable. They are optimists, and do not give in or give up.
As for me, I have the ability to discern, analyze, and see through things. I would love to be bolder and more of a prudent risk-taker.
Attention to Detail and Working with a Clear mindset to achieve the desired result/goal.
Master hard situations and survive. Persist and never give up. Remain dynamic. Look forward and learn from the past. Always keep the pole position. Try the possible first and you will find yourself accomplishing the impossible (a German proverb).
There may be lot ! BUT FOR SURE ONE ON THE TOP IS TO :
I think KEEP LEARNING is HABIT first and then it become A QUALITY