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How to define Prospect Customer? Which requirements do you consider?

To define how is your Target prospect customer profile we require start on these points: • Limit where is campaign Location: National, global, across town or in a vertical market • B2C: Do you require specific demographics?: age, marital status, income, gender • B2B: Do you require specific business?: industry, services, turnover, number of employees, job titles.. • What kind of content is your customer eager to handle? What else would you add?

Question added by Marc Cortes , International Institutional Relationships Mgr. , Molins de Rei City Hall, Spain
Date Posted: 2014/03/26
Ahmed Al Saeed- MBA
by Ahmed Al Saeed- MBA , Sales Manager , Al Rai Media Group

i would add few:

in B2C: consumer prefernce and behaviour  is of a paramount importance.

in B2B: you need to be more specific and buid a separate value proposition to each client that specifically address his needs.

Joseph El Antoury
by Joseph El Antoury , Sales Manager , Industrial Machinery

Customer culture,needs,and  Quality

Marc Cortes
by Marc Cortes , International Institutional Relationships Mgr. , Molins de Rei City Hall, Spain

Definition of Prospect Customer.

First point is to define Prospect Customer as a Potential customer or Qualified Potential client on the basis of his/her buying interest in your offered products/services, authority to consider your offer, financial capacity, and willingness to buy.

As per considering  as sales lead, we need also to add a timeframe and objective of the offer/proposal you aim to cover:

 After this definition, we need to differentiate what kind of customers are you looking for as per your product/offer requirements: long-term and committed brand customers offering “Smart Rewarding” or immediate simple leads offering “Dumb Discounts”.


Once you know how could be you Target Customer, you know how can you can approach them… then you need to define an Strategy to reach them based on the “filters you consider proper”.


Regarding filters, basic ones are Where, B2B and B2C:

• Limit where is campaign Location: National, global, across town or in a vertical market • B2C: Do you require specific demographics?: age, marital status, income, gender • B2B: Do you require specific business?: industry, services, turnover, number of employees, job titles..


2nd stage, you need to filter by Interest:

• What kind of content is your customer eager to handle?

• Need to know  the3 W’s:

-          WG > Where do your Customers GO?

-          WL > What do your Customers LIKE?

-          WD > What do your Customers DO?


3rd stage, you need to define the STRATEGY that will lead on:

• Why you or why your competitor?

• Want to sell now and forget customer? Want to generate commitment?


In basics,… this is what I teach to my students in the International Marketing Master Programme the first day… Then continue with4th,5th… and few more on next sessions.

Till date, been lucky to collaborate with TOP Tier brands in Automotive, Telecoms, Luxury and for Government.

Please don’t hesitate contacting me here or in

ahmed abdelfatah abd elaziz
by ahmed abdelfatah abd elaziz , مدير حسابات مقاولات وتكاليف , شركة GSA للتطوير العمرانى


acconting &Sales& Marketing Manager-Delta company trade cement 

Customer Service Product Development &accontmangment

by YAHUL HAMEED HAMEED , General Accountant , Al Wahdah Auto Radiant Factory

The customers prospect which we understand the past stability of the previous market. i.e., Goodwill. At present the new firms also supporting to current market to verify their supporting documents like bank statement and financial reports.

Muhammad Yousaf Khokhar
by Muhammad Yousaf Khokhar , Director Marketing And Sales , Relaxsit Private Limited

A prospect is a potential customer which has been qualified as fitting for certain criteria. This may include: fitting the target market, having buying authority and being a key decision maker or have shown his/her keen interest in the product.

Once qualification criteria are met, the lead is then converted into a "prospect" (a potential customer).

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