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Do We have any Television Channel in the Middle East; broadcasting news / updates related to Construction Field?

Question added by Kamal Abdul Nasar , Principal Architect , The 4th Dimension
Date Posted: 2013/06/13
سوسن بادع مسير الخزاعى
by سوسن بادع مسير الخزاعى , مديره قسم , زارة التربيه

نعم لدينا فناه ناشنال جيوكرفى رائعه

Ahmed Saeed
by Ahmed Saeed , Senior Architect grae-A , Dimensions Engineering Consultant

Yes We have Nat Geo Abu Dhabi and you can see ( Mega structures, Mega Breakdown , Mega Cities and Eye On Abu Dhabi ) We also Aljazeera Doc .

Shereen Sorour
by Shereen Sorour , Senior Architect , Archisys

No sir, we don't have a special T.V channel for construction and architecture in the Middle East, but some channels such as Al-Jazeera Documents and National geographic Abu Dhabi, both are famous of great shows such as: انشاءات عملاقة، انشاءات ضخمة، آن للبناء أن يكتمل -مصر، فن العمارة الاسلامية، المورسكيون في الأندلس، خفايا العمارة العالمية، بناء في الصحراء، قصر الحمراء.....
and so on.

Ahmed Montasser Hasan Ibraheem Farag
by Ahmed Montasser Hasan Ibraheem Farag , Project Manager , Rawafed Tech

National Geographic AD

waleed saeed
by waleed saeed , Architectural Team Leader , Nesma & Partners Contracting Co.

Megastructures on National Geographic AD, but it focus on the constructed mega projects not on going ones.

Mohammed Sanad
by Mohammed Sanad , Architect , GS L.L.C.

National Geographic AD has a show (I forgot its name, sorry) that deals with construction of extreme buildings.

muhammad waseem qurashi

Nat Geo Abu Dhabi and you can see ( Mega structures, Mega Breakdown , Mega Cities and Eye On Abu Dhabi ) We also Aljazeera Doc .

basheer al azzeh
by basheer al azzeh , مصمم 3d , الشركة العمرانية لمجموعة أحجار القدس

نعم قناة الجزيرة الاخبارة و الوثائقية و ناشينال جوقرافي و تتناول برامج انشائية منوعة برج دبي وعالمية

Wissam Jawhar
by Wissam Jawhar , Resident Engineer Project Manager , Spectrum Engineering Consultants

I am not sure about television that is broadcasting24/24 but Certainly there is on the net huge number of recorded videos arranged by their subjects.

Shady Okasha
by Shady Okasha , Senior Landscape Architect , EPEC Egyptian Professional Engineers Co.

Only Nat geographic ;( but i heared there s an Egyptain ch will open named Egypt-Arch For architecture & construction

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