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*Your email packets has a header portion where it contains the informtaion about the
-source / sender addres (IP+Mac),
-destination / Reciever Address (IP).
* Your private Modem play the VPN function and send your email from your private network to the public.
* Then over the internet, routers suggest the suitable and shortest path towards the destination,
* Your email will be coverted in form of packets when it transferring from one place to another.
* When the desitnation Ip will receive your email then it will conert from the packets to Data and receiver will be allow to see that ,,
Thank you , !!
When you send a mail from you computer then it will be sent to the mail server where your account is created, then a service on this mail server will determine if the email is sent ot internal account (exist on same mail server) or to external account, in case it is sent to internal account then a nother service will locat the receiver account by looking at the receiver SMTP address andthen it sends it to him, in case the email is sent externally then your mail server have to know how to reach to the destination mail server where the recipient account exist, your mail server will use the DNS to reach that mail server, your mail server will locate the destination mail server by looking at the receiver domain then he will locate the destination DNS server after locating DNS server it will asks about the IP of destination mail server (MX record), after getting the IP it will send the message to that server, the destination mail server will detrmine to which account the messgae should be sent based on the SMTP, then it send it to that account.
so much to write
should i first speak about the DNS resolution for the domain (this itself is a150 lines) and then NS for that domain and then MX Record and the hello Pkts..... freaked out.
Eat this :)
Well thats good but i want to know about Types of record as we know MX record for to configure these record and which server is resposible NS? etc kind of stuff
Well, your computer send the message to your default gateway - your home ADSL modem for example- which in turn send it to the service provider gateway.
from there the service provider devices finds the best route on the web to the destination.
I mean by the destination here is the IP of the destination, which is got by resolving the name of the destination - for example using DNS service.
root servers is playing a role in that.
it's a general question, I would spend days to explain the answer, you shoul be more specific in your question.
summary: packets are like human who have address of somebody whom he will visit these packets contain information of destintion