- There is no a best strategy to be done, according to students classification the strategy should be used.
- The best strategy is the strategy in which the learner uses his brain and his feelings at the same time to understand and APPLY what he acquires connecting it with real life.
- According to students' classification the strategy should be used and cared, we have three different kinds of students ;visuals, auditory or kinaesthetic.
- The characteristics of useful strategies:
1- Making learners involved in the lesson, achieving teacher's aims in an active and interesting way.
2- Connecting real life with what students learn everyday.
3- Acquiring all stages of complete full learning with his mates through experience and applying them.
4- Providing learners with suitable enriching ideas, inside the class to be imitated outside the classroom.
5- Considering and caring special needs students.
6- Getting values of what they learn from the educational situation.
Examples of these STRATEGIES:
2- Think-pair-square share.
4-Show down all in your hands.
5-Rally Robin.
6-The coach.
7-Round robin.
8-The reporter.
9- Find the fob.
10-Pop-Slice sticks.
11-Raise your hand
1 2- Brain storming.
13-Read, participate and discuss.
14-The one minute paper.
15-Cartoon concepts.
16-Listening triangle.
17-information gap.
1 8- On his/her tongue and mind.
2-Socratic seminar.
21-Sketch your ideas.
22-five WHYS?
24-Role play.
25-Circle of Sage.
26-Give one, take one.
2 6- Pairs check.
27-inside-outside circle.
29-TAPS(Thinking aloud Pairs Problem Solving)
26-Send your question(s).
27-Numbered heads.
28-Successful and active reading/listening.
29-Intensive reading/listening.
30-Think Tac Toe.
32-Sticky notes
- The teacher/instructor should use many and different strategies, he should consider all different types of his students and their classification.
Caring for the age of students and what each age demands. And following teaching strategies especially the new strategies which depend on the technology that the majority of students prefer and interact with.
TAHANI Alansary , مساعدة سكرتارية تنفيذية , شركة الجزيرة العربية للسفر والسياحة
The best strategeis
Care about the age of any grade
.make some steps to start chart learner of the languge
Lets make somthing intersting for excitethe othes and funny
like wach aplay lesten soome song conversations trieps or watch amovie like somthing like that it's be funny
طارق الشبخ علي , مدرب , مؤسسات الرعاية الاجتماعية في لبنان دار الايتام الاسلامية
To attract the student's attention since grade one use colored pictures and photoes. That means colored visual aids. Let it grow up with him such as, start with cartoons. Then move to some thing that has to do at the level of his age like the English language is growing up with him or her. Starting with the alphabits drawing them as animals' shapes or a house or any thing you can expect the attraction of the child's mind, and do not forget the colors. Then move up to the level of life. What the student does in his daily life also by using different kind of colored visual aids and so on. The most important thing is to start talking to him in English all the time while he or she is still in school or even outside of the school.