Sam Obeng Tuudah , Managing Director/Partner , SOT Business Services Ltd
Leadership is the icing on the cake to success. Leadership is getting the job done. Leadership is not based on higher/lower education. But based doing/having most of these characteristics:1. The ability to inspire and engage;2. “Transformational” and “inspirational” (ascribed to President Barack Obama);3. A real sense of purpose4. Committed and determined;5. Self-confident yet not selfless;6. Knows how to involve people;7. Performs under pressure and bounce back quickly;8. Trusted, respected and ‘looked up to';9. Easy to be with, providing control when things seem to fall apart;.10. Proactive instead of waiting for something to happen;.11. Energy levels high and their feeling are always positive;12. Negative emotions do not frustrate or anger them;13. Combine optimism and realism . Creating pragmatism;14. Canvassing opinions, reviewing work, seeking feedback, facts;15. Remain calm and unthreatened - in face of criticisms – listen …;16. Listens to what is actually happening to plan or act appropriately;17. Ability to ‘crucial out‘ is crucial;18. Whatever is taken out of the system must be put back;19. Builds in time to think or enjoy a moment’s relaxation;20. All part of self-awareness contributing to mind fitness and personal power.
“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius