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Choose between Cloud SaaS ERP, Cloud Open Source SaaS, Open Source On Premise or Open Source Hosted for an SME which would you choose ? Why ?

Question added by Themali Silva , Product Manager Mobile App , Air Canada
Date Posted: 2014/04/21
Arindam Majumder
by Arindam Majumder , Enterprise Architect , Multinational Company

It depends on few factors


1. Type of Business

2. Volume of Business

3. Organization culture

4. RPO / RTO already measured or not for Business unit

5. Already using Cloud or not because putting missing critical application directly into Clo ud would be a risky affiar.

6. What is current Business Model


Based on the input on above probably we can speculate the right answer.


Best Regards

Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
by Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

My choice will be non og these. I beleive that in-house commerical ERP is the best choice today. As far as cloud is concerened, the infrastructure is not reliable in most cases and security is still a major threat in my opinion. For Open Source, I see that it willl be too expensive for SMEs.

Rateb Abu Hawieleh
by Rateb Abu Hawieleh , Solution sales specialist cloud and datacenter , Microsoft

well, it depends on many factors:

  • preference to the cloud
  • cloud economics
  • data classification
  • country wide data security and compliance
  • size of the organization
  • potential growth
  • mobile users
  • organization's segnebt/sector
  • Cloud drivers: Economics/Focus/Agility
  • ....

this question cannot be answered in abstract, it has to be driven in more details gathering information from different stakeholders within the organization to come up with a consultative recommendation that satisfies business needs and alligns with the org overall EA.




Dilip Basnet
by Dilip Basnet , "The Owner" , Self-Owned Commercial Online Venture

Well, SaaS basically is a "cloud-based", the database which will be hosted in the server owned by the vendors. The basic concern what haunts all the clients is all about the security, which is a subject matter at a point, but the numerous benefits and the equal level of data security assured by the vendors is also the matter to be of concern. Out of above4 points, only3 are relevant that differ in various circumstances. It depends on how the organization desires to manage their database and the service/ support from the vendors;

1. Open-source is such that, it is a generic SaaS product, that can be registered anywhere in the web, and this will have larger clients using the same product. The after-sales service will be great and the support can be done remotely. It will relatively be cheaper in cost.

2. Open source hosted only for the sake of the particular business, is of now use to the business in other industry. This is not generic and will relatively be higher in cost. This will be hosted by the vendor, but the features specifically designed and developed are only meant for the particular client, having all of them customized.

3. Open-source on premise is just referred to as the intranet networking structure of the particular organization like their own VPN. The task and risk of management of database relies on the clients. The installation of the software, tutorial/ training, database management, support and all is based on local and physical visits. This is a burden to both the vendors and clients and the service may be ineffective and not Just-in-time. Remote assistance is not possible. This may be generic software or particularly developed for the client. This will relatively be costly than the point1. 

Thank You!


Muhammad Anzar
by Muhammad Anzar , DevOps/DevSecOps Architect , Confidential

Good question. All technology options are very good and selection depends on the scenario. Example: If we Need reliable solution with minimum investment if it is matching for all requirements, backup option for existing scenario then we will use cloud solution. 


If we are thinking about security concerns and one to one redundancy, information security then will choose opensource inhouse or SME.

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