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Why do we need auditors?

Question added by Fida Abo Alrob , Sr. Copywriter , Imena Digital
Date Posted: 2014/04/22
bader mustafa
by bader mustafa , deputy director , Mosanada

in order to insure that we are following the organization stratiges and goals

and following the right process and procedures that will lead for the organization stratigic goals

Moses Ajayi Murorun
by Moses Ajayi Murorun , Production Executives , Various Organizations

One of the reasons we need auditor is to reduce the level of fraud


Mukkaram Siddique
by Mukkaram Siddique , Finance, Management & Stocks , Amazon Foods Saudi Arabia

Auditors are required to get assurance on the true and fair presentation of Final Accounts.

Auditors not just do audit, they help in the implementation of controls and procedures in professional and efficient way.

They are a check on the managements to obstain from Fraud or miss-representation.

Umer Aziz
by Umer Aziz , Senior Accountant , TERNA Bahrain Holding - GEK Group (

To provide assurance to the Stakeholders of the company. Ref : Agency Theory

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