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A strategic group is a concept used in strategic management that groups companies within an industry that have similar business models or similar combinations of strategies.
"Strategic Group" is a term coined by Hunt (1972) in his doctoral dissertation from HBS to describe clusters or groups of companies following similar strategies within an industry. This was used to describe how competiton within an industry (in this case the home appliances industry) was composed both intra-group and inter-group competiton of the identified strategic groups. Michael Porter (1980) also used this term to distinguish between 'entry barriers' to an industry and 'mobility barriers' between strategic groups within an industry.
Qualitatively, one looks at the similarities and differences between the strategies used by companies within an industry to identify strategic groups. Statistically, one would use either the tools of discriminant or cluster analysis where one had sufficently large numbers of companies and data.
Let me first clarify the difference between "strategic group" and "strategy group"
So, it really depends on the exact term you want ... is it "strategic group" ? or "strategy group" ??