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التدرييب النظرى اولا ولا يقل عن اسبوع تدريب بكفائة لا تقل عن80% ثانيا التدريب العملى لا يقل عن فترة زمنية وهى اسبوعين ولا تذيد عن شهر وهذا يكون تحت اشراف مباشر من المدير ... Voir Plus
In some organisations like Convergys you have a concept of FISH BOWLING. Here new recruits are kept in a dummy production floor when they get on the job training. During ... Voir Plus
A “good” employer is one who sets clear expectations to employees, including what is to be done, when it is to be done by, and where it goes after they complete their res ... Voir Plus
1. Meet and congratulate. 2. Orientation or induction. 3. Training scope. 4. Workers engagement.
Can break the psychological barrier between the workers inside the facility job training on teamwork and team spirit and motivate workers, some logos for meaningful and w ... Voir Plus
Team building activities.