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Mehboob Ali Laghari's image
La question a été ajoutée par Mehboob Ali Laghari Social Mobilization Team Incharge TRDP-European Union
Depuis 9 années

What is the difference between "Add-ons and Plug-Ins"?‎

Most of the time we happen to see these words while surfing the internet, can you just differentiate between these two words and their functionality.‎

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Laith Siryani's image  
La répondre a été ajoutée par  Laith Siryani, Software Engineer, SimLab-Soft
Depuis 6 années

The best advice I can give you is to find a template plugin for Qt Creator ( which is by the way entirely composed of plugins ) by visiting https://github.com/qt-creator/ ... Voir Plus

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Aleksei Suev's image  
La répondre a été ajoutée par  Aleksei Suev, System Administrator, Data Center DataSpace Partners LLC
Depuis 8 années

For intstalling plug-ins for QtCreator You have to decompression archive of plug-in to folder /home/username/Qt4.8.0/Tools/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins.

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Kanan Solomon's image  
La répondre a été ajoutée par  Kanan Solomon, Procurement & Logistics and Sales coordinator , N/A
Depuis 9 années

  Add-ons, can improve your experience on a website by providing multimedia or interactive content. Plugins are generally installed by other applications you have install ... Voir Plus

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yassin REZEG's image  
La répondre a été ajoutée par  yassin REZEG, Land Surveyor
Depuis 10 années

If a person is holder of the property acquisition and ongoing phenomenon and more than 15 years and is the first owner of the property by force of law.

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