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Companies spreading job post to hire one employee, and receiving so many CV's, do you think it is from diplomacy to send apologize letter for those whom not approved ... Voir Plus
how can multinational companies handle recession problem in the host country?
Why does it destroy your company reputation along with that of yourself and how does is effect your growth chances in the long run ?
نعم يفضل إرسال رسالة اعتذار للمتقدمين الذين لم يتم إختيارهم مع ذكر سبب الرفض وهذا لا يشكل مضيعة للوقت ... Voir Plus
ليس ذلك ملزما للمواردالبشرية ولكن يفضل عمله كنوع من إعلاء القيم والاحترام