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لغة الجسد شيئ مفيد للتعارف اكثر بين الاشخاص وعلي المسوق ان يكون في ثبات انفعالي وان يثق في نفسه وان يكون مقنع للزبون فا من الممكن ان يكون الزبون لا يعلم اساسا شيئ عن لغة ... Voir Plus
ضد و لا يجب التركيز على الانطباع الاول للعميل بقدر التركيز على كيفية تغيير فكرته و اقناعه
In addition to what was listed above, I would like to add the following traits: Treats his people with fairness and equity. Good motivator, and engage his people. A prob ... Voir Plus
Let’s say you have a big interview coming up and you are practicing your answers to questions with a friend. He asks, “What direct experience do you have working in our i ... Voir Plus
There are many habits we picked up from other people closest to us such as colleagues , managers , friends even family …etc So whatever the habit did you learn. You ... Voir Plus
Regarding your current profession.